ETS carries out design, fabrication, installation and commissioning of it's Polyurethane Foam Media BIO-T biotrickling filter systems. Suitable for medium to high air flows (1,500 - 18,000m3/hr) and high H2S concentrations (10-100ppm average/50-1000ppm peak concentrations), the BIO-T biotrickling filter is well suited to pump station and larger wastewater treatment plant applications, (Note: Larger flows can be treated by configuring the process units in parallel). The BIO-T biotrickling filter is based on the principal of immobilised fixed film microbiological technology where-by select bacteria are able to utilise contaminants in the air stream as a part of their energy pathway. A combination of Diffusion, Disassociation and Oxidation result in H2S being converted to Sulphate and Hydrogen. BIO-T biotrickling filters differ from our BIO-F Biofilters in that the bacteria are immobilised on an inert media allowing the system to treat high levels of H2S without suffering decomposition of the media. Also differentiating the two technologies is the need to add nutrients to the intermittently sprayed water that trickles down over the packed beds, providing the bacteria with the required nitrogen and phosphorous needed to maintain a healthy population.

Unlike a biofilter, where the acidic by-product is neutralised in the bed by reacting with an alkaline agent added to the blend, a biotrickling filter is intermittently flushed with nutrient rich water, that washes away some of the by-product and flushes it to the drain. As such the drain liquor in a biotrickling filter often has a pH in the range of 1-2 vs. a range of 6.5-7.5 in a biofilter. Lo pH in a biotrickling filter is a good indicator that a healthy population of bacteria exist and that H2S is being treated.